teachers throughout Los Angeles and surrounding communities since 1995 and has had non-profit status since 2003.
Research shows that children who experience quality language oriented activities demonstrate early development of
literacy, fluency, and mathematical skills regardless of ethnic or socio-economic background (The Chicago Longitudinal
Study, 2011). Studies also show that children who have a rich and varied language arts experience have an easier time
mastering reading, comprehending information, developing creativity and increasing critical thinking skills.
Through the collaboration of theater arts and academic strategies, Flights of Fantasy provides standards-based opportunities for students to meet arts engagement and literacy and social development goals to ensure successful and productive lives. Story theatre is an excellent tool for creating better readers, problem-solvers and collaborators by actively engaging students in the exploration of concepts and relationships that support classroom curriculum. Flights of Fantasy provides elementary schools with innovative performances that use mime, masks, props and costumes to ensure a visually rich and captivating storytelling experience. The multicultural folktales and fables that is presented in these shows promotes comprehension skills and demonstrates life lessons for children of all languages, abilities and ethnicities. An accompanying Program Guide is sent before each assembly to describe the format and content of the performance so teachers can familiarize their students with the material and to facilitate discussion. Many of the stories in our shows and those we use in the student workshops are found in the core curriculum. Our student workshops and residencies take the child from audience member to performer in a sequential delivery that allows the students to participate in activities that develop critical thinking skills and an appreciation for cultural diversity and awareness. Our theatre arts packages are customized to fit the needs of each school and can run from 3 to 10 weeks depending on the needs of the school. The programs are appropriate for grades K through 5th grade with an emphasis on the primary grades. We know that there is a great need to provide arts services to the youngest learners so that they have an arts aesthetic to build upon in later grades. At the conclusion of each residency the students perform a story theatre presentation for their classmates and attending parents.