Land Acknowledgement
Prop 28 resources
Wildfire recovery resourCES
February 20 Resources and Opportunities
Convening Agenda for February 20
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
presentation and conversation
Lindsey Kunisaki, Arts for LA’s Laura Zucker Fellow presents 2024 Arts and Music in Schools report
- SRI: What CA Arts and Music in Schools Act means for the Arts Teacher Workforce
- Arts & Culture: Arts and Music in Schools/Prop 28 Implementation Resources
- CDE: 2023-24 AMS Annual Reports - Statewide
- Create CA: Tools You Need to Support the Arts & Music in Schools Act
- Create CA: Prop 28: What We Know So Far
Opportunities and Resources:
Meia Johnson, Arts & Culture - Creative Career Pathways for Youth
- Arts & Culture: Creative Career Pathways for Youth (CCPY)Program Page
- Creative Careers Online (CCO):
Megan Kirkpatrick, Arts & Culture – Strategic Plan Coaching
- Request a Coach: LA County Arts Ed Collective - Strategic Plan Coach
- Strategic Arts Education Planning Guide
- Look Up Your Plan: LA County Arts Ed Collective - School Districts
Keelia Postlethwaite Stinnett, Arts & Culture – Advancement Grant
- Advancement Grant Program Page
- Advancement Grant Guidelines
- Advancement Grant Office Hours: March 20, 2025 | 8A-10A
looking forward and additional resources
September 19 Resources and Opportunities
Convening Agenda for September 19
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Opportunities and Resources:
Creative Career Pathways for Youth
Creative Careers Online (CCO):
Learn more Stitch for LA Youth from the Greater LA Education Foundation -
PST ART: Arts and Science Collide - resources for teachers and students:
LACoe and beyond
Arts for LA
- State of the Arts Summit "Legacy" | October 16, 2024, 8A-3P at the Ebell of Los Angeles
April 25 Resources and Opportunities
Convening Agenda for April 25
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Warm Up Activity: Networking How to Make a PB&J
- For more information about programs for teachers and students contact Dr Jewel Jackson and Afrika Bakenra at
Creative Career Pathways for Youth
Upcoming Creative Career Opportunities
- Creative Careers Online:
- Careers in Entertainment Expo | May 16
- AME Institue | June 26, 27 & 28
Creative Wellbeing
Learn more and download the guide on the Creative Wellbeing Page.
Upcoming Creative Wellbeing Opportunities
- Creative Wellbeing Virtual Retreat Infusing Arts into Child Welfare | May 9, 16 & 24
- Monthly Self- and Community Care Session | May 15 | Virtual on Wellbeing4LA
- Create a free account on Wellbeing4LA
Prop 28 resources
Ask for the Plan! Be A Champion for Your Student’s Arts Education - Webinar Recording English; Webinar Recording Spanish
February22 Resources and Opportunities
Convening Agenda for February 22
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
September 21 Resources and Opportunities
Convening Agenda for September 21
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Warm Up Activity: Creative WellBeing with African Soul International
- For more information about programs for teachers and students contact Dr Jewel Jackson and Afrika Bakenra at
Creative Wellbeing Curriculum Guide
The purpose of this curriculum guide is to support teaching artists and facilitators in understanding the foundational concepts that guide Creative Wellbeing. It is meant to be a springboard to brainstorm, design, and lead your own Creative Wellbeing workshops. Learn more and download the guide on the Creative Wellbeing Page.
Upcoming Creative Wellbeing Opportunities
- Creative Wellbeing Learning Community Gathering | October 4 | 10am - Noon | Virtual on Wellbeing4LA
- Self- and Community Care Session with African Soul International | October 18 | 11am - Noon | Virtual on Wellbeing4LA
- Create a free account on Wellbeing4LA
Advocacy Updates
Yamily from Arts for LA shared:
- State of the Arts: Barriers to Bridges | October 24 | 9:30am - 3pm | The Ebell of Los Angeles
LACOE Updates
Shan Tu shares information from the Center for Distance and Online Learning.
Other Resources
- Allison Wharton from Teen Tix LA shared this resource for $5 student tickets. Here is How it Works.
- Create CA’s new Arts and Music in Schools (Prop 28) Resources page: Tools You Need to Support the Arts and Music in Schools Act
- Upcoming Opportunities from Create CA:
- Establish Relationships with School Leadership: October 12 | 3:30pm (virtual)
- Centering Youth Voices in an Inclusive Coalition: October 26 | 4:30pm (virtual)
- Share Your Message: Communications and Public Will Building for Advocacy: November 8 | 11:00am (virtual)
LACOE Resource Folder for VAPA CoordinatION
Find updates on regional and statewide professional development opportunities, student programs and more in this resource folder compiled by Jeannine Flores, Arts & STEAM Coordinator for the Los Angeles County of Education. Bookmark the link and check back for new information.
Check out the resources here:
September 23 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
Convening Agenda for September 23
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Warm Up Activity
Creative Wellbeing Curriculum Guide -
The purpose of this curriculum guide is to support teaching artists and facilitators in understanding the foundational concepts that guide Creative Wellbeing. It is meant to be a springboard to brainstorm, design, and lead your own Creative Wellbeing workshops. Learn more and download the guide on the Creative Wellbing Page.
Advocacy Updates
Cordelia and Yamily from Arts for LA share information on Prop 28. Prop 28 Presentation Recording (00:00-12:45)*
*The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Department of Arts and Culture or the entities they represent. -
LACOE Updates
Jeannine shares information on CA Arts Ed Framework resources for educators; infographics and handouts; Create CA: Creativity Challenge report and Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Block Grant.
- Jeannine’s presentation slide deck
- Jeannine’s presentation recording (13:00-33:00)*
*The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Department of Arts and Culture or the entities they represent.
School Crisis & Recovery (SCRR) Bonus Resource
May 20 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
Convening Agenda for May 20
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Creative Careers Online
Creative Career Pathways for Youth is an LA County initiative to develop, strengthen, and expand pathways that prepare young people ages 14-24 for careers in the arts and creative industries. Find more information on our Creative Career Pathways Page.
- Overview Presentation of Creative Careers Online
- Creative Careers Online:
- Creative Careers Online Social Media Toolkit
In Appreciation of Teachers
- In Appreciation of Teachers: Share a Poem
- “Who Will Clean Out the Desks” A crowdsourced poem in praise of teachers
LACOE Resource Folder for VAPA Coordinators
Find updates on school reopening, regional and statewide professional development opportunities, student programs and more in this resource folder compiled for LA County district arts coordinators. Bookmark the link and check back for new information.
Check out the resources here:
Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, June 22 @ 1PM - Creative Wellbeing - Introduction to the Creative Wellbeing Approach
- Friday, July 8 @ Noon - Healing Centered Practices - Dreams Not Deferred
March 25 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
Convening Agenda for March 25
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
Creative Career Pathways for Youth
Creative Career Pathways for Youth is an LA County initiative to develop, strengthen, and expand pathways that prepare young people ages 14-24 for careers in the arts and creative industries. Find more information on our Creative Career Pathways Page, or access Program Manager, Meia Johnson's full presentation.
Arts Ed Twitter Chat - #CaArtsEdChat
Join @PCrooks_VAPA, @VAPAJeannine, @aaronbryan, and other arts education leaders from across the state for the #CaArtsEdChat, a Twitter Chat held every Wednesday from 4:00PM to 4:30PM. Join discussions on topics such as: the newly adopted CA Arts Framework; integrating the arts and technology; arts and anti-racism; and more!
New to Twitter, want to learn more about the Twitter Chat or see the questions in advance? Visit
January 28 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
Convening Agenda for January 28
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
November 5 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
Convening Agenda for November 5
Check out the summary agenda, which includes all resources shared during the meeting.
DMH+UCLA Prevention Center of Excellence Learning Center
Explore the DMH + UCLA Wellbeing for LA Learning Center! Download resources, access self-guided courses, and watch videos that support your understanding of prevention and wellbeing:
September 17 Resources and Opportunities from our Partners
CCSESA Rural Arts Network (CRAN) 2021-22
Through the Rural Communities: Ensuring Equity and Access to Arts Education series, rural leaders will share emerging and best practices to build momentum for arts education. Join colleagues from across the state to learn, share your voice and expand the field’s understanding of the specific strengths and challenges of rural areas as we offer equitable, accessible arts education for students in Grade Pre-K through 12.
For information and to register:
If you have questions, contact the Arts Ed Collective,