Manage Your Grant


Learn more about the Advancement Grant.


Learn about applying to the Advancement Grant.

Grant Period

The period of the grant is from the date of contract execution through June 30 of the granting year. Please note that the invoicing and reporting deadline is May 15. All funds must be expended prior to the May 15 deadline.

Contract Grant Budget & Target Participation

Advancement Grant awards may be less than the original grant request. As a result, the project budget and participation estimates must be revise accordingly to identify budgetary and participation changes based on the award granted to your district. Updates will be submitted through the Adjusted Grant Budget and Participation form via our online grant management system.

More details about this requirement can be found in the Requirements for Contracting section of Exhibit B : General Terms and Instructions.

Terms & Instructions

Use the General Terms and Instructions document to find information about managing your grant, meeting grantee requirements, and receiving payments. 2024-25 Contract Attachments

Please note: All required forms must be completed and submitted through the online grant management system using the login credentials that the grant application was submitted.

Signing the Contract

Advancement Grant contracts will be issued by the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture. Contracts must be executed with two signatures:

  • The district's Superintendent, and
  • A School Board President or an officer.

Fully executed contracts must include all district signatures and County signatures. You will be contacted with a copy of the executed contract upon final signature. If you have questions, contact Program Specialist, Keelia Postlethwaite Stinnett.

Matching Funds

Grantees must demonstrate and report matching funds that ensure Los Angeles County funds do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the project. Please note that the contract provides that you may forfeit some or your entire grant award if you do not comply with this requirement. Matching funds must align with eligible project expenses as outlined in the guidelines and must be invested in the project at a minimum 1:1 ratio. In-kind matches are not accepted.

Credit and Acknowledgement

Grantees are asked to recognize support from Los Angeles County by placing the Arts and Culture and the LA County Arts Education Collective logos on materials created and disseminated as part of the project funded by the Advancement Grant.

It is your responsibility as a grantee to meet all award requirements. If you fail to comply with requirements, your contract may be suspended or terminated, and you may forfeit some or your entire grant award. Please see the Credit and Acknowledgement section 5.0 (page 2) of Exhibit B: General Terms and Instructions for details about this requirement.

Grantees are encouraged to send an email to their Board Supervisors and the Arts Ed Collective Funders Council or post on social media acknowledging the impact of the grant on the school district and the students served.

To confirm your organization’s District and Supervisor, please visit If your organization serves more than one District, please send letters to each applicable Supervisor.


Email Address
Social Media
District 1 Hilda Solis @HildaSolis
District 2 Holly J. Mitchell @HollyJMitchell
District 3 Lindsey P. Horvath @LindseyPHorvath
District 4 Janice Hahn @SupJaniceHahn
District 5 Kathryn Barger @SupervisorKathrynBarger
Board of Supervisors     @LACountyBOS
Arts Ed Collective Funders Council    #AECFundersCouncil

Department of Arts and Culture

Arts Ed Collective 


In addition, if a public facing non-consumable item (i.e. stage curtain, Marley vinal flooring, media lab, equipment system) in the project budget exceeds $12,500, the grantee will include the above acknowledgment, name, or logo of Arts and Culture and Arts Ed Collective on any plaque, wall signage, donor wall, or other identifier associated with the project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, grantees are not required to create a new plaque or donor wall.

Invoicing and Reporting

Advancement Grant awards shall be paid in three installments. Final payment requests and required reporting documentation are due by May 15.

  1. You may submit one (1) invoice for a maximum of 25% of the grant award following successful completion of all project planning, contracting and attendance at a County-scheduled grantee convening or a countywide network event. This invoice is optional.
  2. You may submit one (1) invoice for a maximum of 50% of the grant award following the successful completion of a mid-project check-in and site visit with County staff. This invoice is optional.
  3. You must submit one (1) invoice for all unpaid grant funds on or before May 15. This invoice is mandatory and must be accompanied by a completed Final Report form. Payment pursuant to this invoice is contingent upon submission of the Final report.

Payment requests and the Final Report form must be submitted through the online grant management system at

Project Amendments

Grant activities and expenses must be consistent with those approved for funding. If changes in the contracted project are necessary after the grant contract is executed, you must:

  1. Contact the Arts and Culture's Arts Ed Collective staff and set up a project amendment phone appointment;
  2. Complete and submit the Project Amendment form found via;
  3. In the Project Amendment form provide the following information at a minimum:
    1. Advancement Grant contract number,
    2. Specific change(s) requested,
    3. Justification for each requested change(s),
    4. Revised project budget, if applicable, or else a statement that, "No revised project budget has been included in this amendment,"
    5. Contact information, including a phone number, fax number and email address,

No project amendment is effective unless and until grantee receives approval from the Arts and Culture in the form of a signed project amendment form. Until such time as grantee receives such written approval, grantee shall only incur costs and shall only carry out its project in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of the original contract.

Panel Comments

Knowledgeable members of the arts education community assessed your funding request as part of the review process. To schedule a time to discuss panel feedback with staff, contact Program Specialist, Keelia Postlethwaite Stinnett.