
As the nation's longest-running theatre of color and largest producer of Asian Pacific American (APA) creative work, EWP is committed to using the unique platform of theatre to tell multifaceted stories of the APA experience and develop new artists. The LA Times has described EWP as a model for organizations that generate support from a community, instead of relying on the success of a particular show.
Grand Vision Foundation is a non-profit arts organization that serves the Los Angeles Harbor Area community through arts presentation and education. We were established in 1996 to save the Warner Grand, a 1,500 seat art deco movie palace located in downtown San Pedro. We encouraged the City of Los Angeles to purchase the Theatre and with community support, restored it to a viable standard for productions. Today, we remain the official City Friends Group to the theater, providing marketing support and advocacy for the historic building.
artworxLA was founded in 1992 as The HeArt Project to help fill the void in arts education among L.A. inner city youth. Our mission is to combat the epidemic high school dropout crisis with a long-term, sequential arts program offering students a pursuable life path that inspires them to stay in school, evolve as unique individuals and flourish as creative adults.
Los Angeles Arts Group (L.A. Arts Group) is committed to excellence in arts education and believes the arts are powerful tools for expression and communication and vital to the development of every child. Our goal is to provide high quality, standards-based arts education for grades K-12 in creative environment that promotes collaboration and respect. Our programs aim to engage students, teachers and the community to provide learning in and through the arts. L.A. Arts Group consists of trained and experienced professional artists in dance, music, theatre and visual arts.
MKM BollyStars is a dynamic dance company that prides itself for its high quality performers, rich dance heritage, & authenticity of dance styles. Energetic, graceful, and passionate, the company comprises of versatile industry dancers straight out of Hollywood. A rich dance heritage, a visionary artistic director, and a cultural and creatively diverse team, provide the backbone for what transpires to be truly memorable and statement driven work. MKM Bollystars is the only company in Los Angeles that professionally covers the span of Indian dance from Classical to Bollywood.
Palos Verdes Art Center / Beverly G. Alpay Center for Arts Education inspires individuals to create, appreciate and celebrate art. Since it was founded in 1931, PVAC’s exhibition, education and outreach programs have made the visual arts available, accessible and affordable. Palos Verdes Art Center provides an economically and ethnically diverse community with:
SODE School of Performing Arts teaching artists are industry professionals who are passionate instructors, experienced in multiple dance genres, music and performing arts styles. Our goal at SODE School of Performing Arts is to educate, inspire and expose our students to dance, music, language and theater basics in a fun and safe environment.  We believe in encouraging self-expression, creative thinking, and confidence building throughout all of our programs.  SODE School of Performing Arts offers in-school dance programs throughout elementary and middle schools across Los Angeles.
Since 1985, The L.A. Troupe, Theatre-in-Education has strived to promote an enhanced understanding of social, cultural, and community issues by engaging with students of all ages. We achieve this by creating age appropriate performances, workshops, and residencies which explore themes that resonate in contemporary society. Programs include the works of Shakespeare, Rostand, Homer, and Poe, as well as productions developed specifically for curriculum or community requirements.
Our School Partners Program serves as many as 10,000 Los Angeles pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students each year through student matinee performances and corresponding workshops for teachers. We also have in-depth partnerships with Wallis Focus Schools in underserved communities. These partnerships include matinee performances throughout the season, sessions with visiting teaching artists, arts career days and opportunities for students and parents to attend shows together.